Me-Made May 2014: The Final Fortnight
So late, so excessively alliterative, so, in fact, jeJUNE...And now that my audience of three has dwindled down to one after that revolting opening, limber up your scrolling finger, because it's a big...
View ArticleFake-Up: Suqqu EX-20 Natsubotan
Welcome to another edition of Makeup Fakeup!Featuring my distant desired object du saison, Suqqu's limited-edition summer quad, EX-20 Natsubotan. As, uninspired by the promo images, I foolishly waited...
View ArticleFriday Night Dinner
Apologies for the sporadic posting of late; I've been gearing up for another trip to Asia and trying to spend as much time as possible with my real-life nearest&dearest as I can. But missing you...
View ArticleTwo Looks with THREE 04 Art of Parties 4D Eyeshadow Palette
Well, this is embarrassingly late. According to my my picasa albums, I bought Art of Parties two whole years ago, in June 2012 -- and that's when I took these pristine snaps:in (angled) sunlightThe...
View ArticleFemme Boulevard Vamps It Up
Long time no see, dear ones! In the spirit of K.I.S.S. I haven't been wearing much interesting (or indeed unsmeared) makeup so far this sweltering Asian summer, but the ladies of Femme Boulevard have...
View ArticleFemme Boulevard: Simple and Seasonal
Hello world! As you can tell, I am shooting for 'laziest blogger of the year' this year, so thanks for all your support *genuflects* But as before, my lovely pals of Femme Boulevard have dragged me out...
View ArticleSummery Summary
A lookbook, representative of my basic makeup doings (cough snort) during my blog hiatus. I've chosen to include only looks featuring products I haven't shown you before, with reviewlets, since the...
View ArticleSUQQU 2014 Christmas Set A featuring EX-22 Yukiichigo
Until the release of Christmas set A, I had thought that 2014 would've been my first Suqqu-quad-less year since my falling for the brand since 2009. Then I saw the palette in Set A, EX-22 Yukiichigo...
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